About Fred

Fred develops brands, products, packaging and service concepts. Regularly joining forces with his peers in product design, audio-visual production and engineering, Fred has crafted concepts for British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa, Marriott, McDonald’s, Virgin Australia and Qatar Airways, to name a few.

Fred was active in publishing, branding and advertising in Singapore before returning to Europe in 2013 to join gategroup as Design Director. He is experienced in various design disciplines but has a weakness for typography.

Based in Antwerp, Belgium, he is available globally for consultancy and collaborations.

He puts his back into:

-    Brand & Identity
-    Naming
-    Design Research & Strategy
-    Packaging Design
-    Product Development (Design Thinking, Sprints ... )
    Graphic Design & Copywriting
-    Design Systems & Corporate Guideline Development
-    Video & Animation (Scripting & Storyboard)
-    Wayfinding & Environmental Graphics
-    Service Design
    Spacial & Retail Design
-    Photography Production
-    3D Visualisation
-    Illustration

Design the Right Thing & Design the Thing Right 

Brands and organizations can develop better products and services by applying human-centred design processes. The outcome is either digital or tangible, but should always be sustainably feasible and commercially viable. Before we start, let’s discover the true needs of the end user.

Objective Research + Creative Problem Solving + Beauty  
Information is the essence of a wholesome design process. Zooming out and connecting the dots creates a stable foundation on which we can build a balanced mix of creativity, common sense and hard work. It goes without saying that the solution has to look good, too!


Frédéric Snauwaert

9 Avenue de Mercure (box 10)
1180 Uccle, Brussels
+32 486 533 377

347 Woodlands Ave. 3, #10-111
Singapore 730347
+65 9853 0024